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"Toledo" by Sir Walter Scott

"Rearing their crests amid the cloudless skies

And the darkly clustering in the pale moonlight

Toledo's holy towers and spires arise

As from a trembling lake of silver white...."


"Toledo" by Elvis Costello:

"..But if 1 call, I know 1 won't have to say it

You'll hear my voice something is bound to betray it

But do people living in Toledo

Know their names doesn't travel well

And does anybody in Ohio dream of that Spanish citadel..."


Toledo is a confluence of Christian, Muslim, and Jewish cultures. The Toledo Cathedral is known for its gothic architecture. I enjoy watching the light enter through the stained glass, appreciating how the sunlight illuminates the ceiling.


















The altar of the cathedral is made of marble, gold and silver inlay. My little brain has to ask, how much does the altar weigh and how is it supported?


On to the church of Saint Thomas to view the Burial of Count Orgaz. El Greco, although born on the Greek island of Crete, lived in Toledo and was commissioned to paint Saint Orgaz being lowered into his burial plot by Saint Augustine and Saint Stephen, who apparently traveled from heaven to do this (such a long journey). The other attendants in the painting are El Greco himself, his son, friends of the painter, and members of the military Order of Santiago. The artist came up with his own style of painting:  Figures are contorted, skin tones have bluish hues, and hands are elongated. El Greco was not a big fan of Michelangelo, proclaiming that he is "a good man but does not know how to paint." Hmm.


















In the afternoon I walk the streets of Toledo, window shop, and of course sit at a cafe and eat gelato.

My daughter will be getting married in 2023. Does she want a mantilla to wear? "Mom I haven't even picked out a dress, but thanks for thinking of me"


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